Healthy flock today healthy business tomorrow
The quality of drinking water in poultry production systems is of the highest importance. However, biofilm inside the drinking lines are offering perfect hiding places for bacteria, influencing the health of your birds.
The quality of drinking water in poultry production systems is of the highest importance. However, biofilm inside the drinking lines are offering perfect hiding places for bacteria, influencing the health of your birds.
Salmet is now adding a new method to clean the inside of drinking lines. Ultrasonic cleaning is a new proven way of removing biofilm and keeping drinking systems clean without the use of chemicals. This system is easy to install for new and existing Salmet systems as well as for any other kind or brand of poultry equipment.
The Salsonic system consists of a transducer (the ultrasonic transmitter) in the main water supply to the drinking lines, a plug and play controlling unit and that is it. The system can be extended with transducers also being installed in the bore hole as well as water storage tanks.
Proper disinfection of the drinking water supply will control diseases usually found in poultry houses and will result in increased body weight and better egg production which results in a better profit.