S1400 rearing cage system

S1400 Rearing system gives layers the optimal start in the conventional multi-tier system.
The success in egg production highly depends on the bird´s growing period.
The S1400 rearing system adapts to the needs of day-old chicks and pullets.

The S1400 rearing cage system is an upgraded version of the well-known S1000. Compared to the S1000 rearing cage system, the S1400 is wider (1400mm instead of 1000 mm), deeper (750 mm instead of 680mm/615mm), and higher (660 mm instead of 564mm).

The increased tier height increases air volume, which is beneficial in hot and humid climates. It also helps add warmth to day-old chicks that are further away from the floor, as concrete floors are difficult to heat up. And improves hygiene with the returning manure belt farther away from the birds, hence, less risk of contact with the manure.

Another advantage of the S1400 system over the S1000 is that it can accommodate more birds per meter of the system length. This could result in fewer rows for longer systems and ultimately save in cost per bird. Also, due to the increase in length, there are more birds per group and fewer compartments to open, making bird control, vaccination, and catching of birds to transfer from day-old chick to pullet tiers easier to manage.

From day-old chick to pullet, the system gives suitable access to feed trough. A clever mechanism runs the sliding feed gate to manually adjust space as the birds grow.

Uniform feed
The right feed conversion system is a core factor to success and operating efficiency. As an expert, Salmet has continuously improved the technical standard of the feed hopper and achieved the best results. The up-to-date feeding system meets each bird’s desired quality and quantity requirements and avoids feed waste and overconsumption by keeping feed at the lowest possible level.

A traditional chain-feeding system can also be installed.
The proven push-in doors with a double spring system always keep lots of tension, eliminating the risk of unintentional opening. Each compartment comes with two doors for easy bird management. At the end of the pullet cycle, the entire front of the system opens up for easy bird removal for placement into your layer house.

The water system comes complete with adjustable waterlines on all tiers.

Salmet-proven manure drive system is used in the S1400 rearing system giving you reliable manure removal.



Advantages of the S1000 rearing system:

  • Optimal rearing results
  • Uniform pullets
  • Good bird overview
  • Hygienic environment
  • Easy to use


Download here the S1400 flyer for more information.
If you need more information you can contact us at info@salmet.de