Salmet congratulates Arabian Food Production Company in Oman.
On Thursday 8th December 2022, Arabian Food Company inaugurated their new Gulf International Poultry farm for the production of 350 million eggs annually.
The project includes 5 rearing houses and 15 layer houses and plays a strategic role in the significant improvement of the level of local production in Oman and UAE as well as the improvement of the egg quality in the local markets since imported eggs are now being replaced by much fresher local eggs.
The picture shows Mr. Gabriel Rossouw (CEO, 4th from left), Mr. Liyaquat (CFO 2nd from left), and Mr. Emad (Project Manager, left) for Gulf International Poultry Farm together with the main suppliers in this project Salmet, represented by Mari van Gruijthuijsen (3rd from left), Skov, represented by Loai Tabakhah (2nd from right) and Moba, represented by Rik Bosch (right).
Salmet is very proud for being selected as a poultry equipment manufacturer in this significantly important project for the entire Gulf region.